
The confusion over central clearing

Over the past month, the concept of central counterparty (CCP) clearing has taken centre stage, as concerns over counterparty risk consume the market in the aftermath of the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September.

Strike while the iron is hot

Pete Luxton, economic adviser, and Shant Movsesian, manager, foreign exchange options, at Informa Global Markets in London suggest a basket strategy to play euro weakness

Asia's tigers show their stripes

For Nick Chamie, head of emerging markets research at RBC Dominion Securities in Toronto, memories of Asia's 1997 meltdown are resurfacing as concern grows in the region

Cutting costs

Pat Lefler, director, product marketing, at Wall Street Systems in New York, looks at ways smaller banks could reduce their trade-processing costs and remain competitive

FXPB versus CCP put to the test

With concern over counterparty credit risk at such elevated levels, some question what this will ultimately mean for the smaller banks out in the market-place.

One bank's loss is another bank's gain

The reality is that, when a bank collapses, an opportunity is created for others to pick up its business. In the past week, evidence has emerged as to who is winning Lehman Brothers' foreign exchange client base.

Uncomfortable truths

Teis Knuthsen, head of FX research at Danske Bank in Copenhagen, looks at the structural changes shaping political and economic realities in our time

The post-trade value chain

Nick Dyne, head of business development at post-trade technology vendor Logicscope in London, evaluates the prospect of a 'virtual' back office

Managing mismatches

Tolga Ediz and Ivan Tchakarov at Lehman Brothers in London illustrate the net foreign assets approach as another metric to uncover mismatches in currency valuation

The vote and the dollar

Peter Luxton, global economic adviser at Informa Global Markets, says past experience shows presidential elections can be a factor in US dollar volatility

Global capital flows support USD

Stephen Hull, foreign exchange strategist at Lehman Brothers, sees a brighter future for the US dollar, as central banks reverse their accumulation of foreign exchange reserves and foreign direct investment into the US increases

The murky side of retail forex

In these days of heightened regulatory scrutiny, Saxo Bank could take it upon itself as a pioneer of the retail foreign exchange market to more effectively monitor who is using its technology and how.

Hungary cautious over rate cuts

Eszter Gargyan, Citi’s economist for Hungary in Budapest, says rate cuts in Hungary are likely to be delayed in the second half of this year, but could accelerate in 2009

USD labour market hits bottom

Michael Woolfolk, an economist at Bank of New York Mellon in New York, analyses the latest US employment report, examines how the FX markets have reacted to its contents, and reflects on the future of the US dollar

Solutions to rouble trouble

The rouble derivatives market developed in haste after further liberalisation of the currency in July 2006 and positive changes to the Russian Civil Code 1062, centring around the previous treatment of derivatives as gaming, in January 2007.

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