
Central banks walk the 'not buying dollar' walk

Central banks are increasingly reluctant to accumulate US dollars, and are shifting out of the unit into other G-10 currencies, says Steven Englander, currency strategist at Barclays Capital in New York

The search for yield

Investment flows are returning to emerging markets as investors scour the globe for yield, says , senior currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York

Struggling with risk

Geoffrey Yu, currency strategist at UBS, looks at the potential for a reversal of risk appetite

Rupiah leads in Asia

Gundy Cahyadi and Radhika Rao, economists at IDEAGlobal in Singapore, look at the diverging trend between Asian currencies and the outlook for the region

On the right track

The emerging markets research team at RBC Capital Markets say the July data coming out of China suggests the country's strong policy stimulus should continue

ECB looks for the exit

Michael Woolfolk, an economist at Bank of New York Mellon in New York, evaluates the impact of last Thursday's European Central Bank decision

Finding the balance

Pete Luxton, global economic advisor at Informa Global Markets in London, assesses whether purchasing power parity can provide a guide to relative currency values, and applies the PPP technique to predict where the G-10 currencies are headed

The benefits of multiple market models

It might have been the timing of this year's FX Week USA congress, but an underlying theme that seemed to resonate was the need for the foreign exchange industry to lobby to prevent FX being swept up into the central counterparty clearing storm.

Sterling performance

Adam Cole, global head of foreign exchange strategy at RBC Capital Markets in London, traces sterling's progress from trend underperformer to trend outperformer

Regulatory arbitrage

Glenn Stevens, chief executive at Gain Capital in New York, looks at how tightening restrictions around the globe are creating unwelcome possibilities for regulatory arbitrage in retail FX

Harness EUR/GBP volatility

Colin Devo, head of major corporate foreign exchange solutions at Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets in London, explains how corporates should be approaching hedging decisions and how to turn EUR/GBP volatility into opportunity

An emerging winner

Paul Fyda , emerging markets specialist at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York, looks at the regulatory pressures facing participants in Brazil's foreign exchange market

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