
Taking stock of 2011: Technology

Upgrading forex trading systems to prepare for regulatory change or simply keep pace with competitors has been a key trend of 2011 for all participants. In the final part of a series of articles taking stock of the year so far, Miriam Siers and Chiara…

Taking stock of 2011: the buy side

Central bank intervention, volatile markets and forthcoming regulation – hedgers and investors in the FX market continue to face some real challenges. Chiara Albanese and Miriam Siers hear their views

Afme: From advocacy to implementation

Set up in June 2010 as the mouthpiece of the FX industry as regulators reshaped the derivatives landscape, the mandate of Afme’s global FX division is gradually changing from one of pure advocacy to one of implementation. Miriam Siers talks to the…

Taking stock of 2011: Volatile trading

The challenges already thrown at the FX market in 2011 have been multi-faceted, ranging from a tough trading environment in major currency pairs to the preparation for new trading and clearing regulations. In the second of a series of articles taking…

Taking stock of 2011: the euro

The challenges 2011 has already thrown at foreign exchange market participants have been multi-faceted, ranging from a tough trading environment in major currency pairs to the preparation for new trading and clearing regulations. In the first of a series…

Focus on: Remuneration

The UK Financial Services Authority implemented its revised Remuneration Code at the start of this year, putting new rules in place around salaries, bonuses and retention payments. Joel Clark talks to Andrew Young, a solicitor in the employment practice…

Best retail platform: Citi

Citi wins top spot in retail category, in recognition of the success and growth of CitiFX Pro since its launch in 2008

Best electronic broker: EBS

Icap Electronic Broking has consistently introduced new innovations to meet the demands both of manual and high-frequency traders, says chief executive David Rutter

Best bank post-trade services: UBS

UBS wins the post-trade services award after investing heavily in CRM tools and prime brokerage over the past year as part of its preparation for new regulations

All in accord on high-frequency risks

In late June four prime brokers and six ECNs allied together in a major new initiative to better monitor and manage the risks posed by high-frequency trading in the FX market. What motivated the collaborative effort? Farah Khalique reports

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