
FX Invest: Rise of the super-Sefs

The Dodd-Frank Act created a multitude of would-be swap execution facilities (Sefs) – trading platforms that will aggregate dealer liquidity. Now, dealers want to hoover up the Sefs by building their own aggregation services, but it’s a strategy that…

Hiring frenzy

After a typically busy hiring season during the first half of the year, Chiara Albanese takes stock of some of the biggest appointments and talks to headhunters about the trends driving FX recruitment in 2011

Trading platforms prepare for Sef arms race

As the CFTC prepares to close the consultation period on its Sef rulemaking next week, it is still unclear exactly what changes FX trading platforms might need to make to comply with the Sef criteria. How are the potential Sefs preparing? Chiara Albanese…

Retail FX platforms braced for further consolidation

The FDIC last week unveiled proposed margin requirements for retail FX transactions in the US in the latest sign of a clampdown on the retail segment of the industry. How is regulation changing the shape of retail FX? Farah Khalique reports

Closing the FX gender gap

As in much of the financial services sector, the upper echelons of the foreign exchange industry are male-dominated, but a number of market participants say opportunities for women are improving, particularly at the graduate level. Chiara Albanese reports

Social media finds a foothold in FX

Banks are evaluating the value that can be delivered to the foreign exchange business by investing in social media. What are the potential benefits and challenges of using such tools? Chiara Albanese reports

Pure FX: Market or mirage?

Pure FX has been the subject of plenty of speculation since it was first mooted last year, but there is still little clarity over whether the project will come to fruition. Some banks and trading platforms say there is no need for the venture

PPP still has legs in the USD/CAD market

Irene Aldridge, quantitative portfolio manager at Able Alpha Trading, and Steven Krawciw, wealth management executive at Credit Suisse in New York, look at the value of PPP in quant strategies

Lufthansa wary of OTC regulations

Corporates across the globe have lobbied to ensure end-users are not subjected to new clearing requirements for derivatives. For Lufthansa’s treasury department in Frankfurt, ensuring it is able to continue to hedge its foreign exchange and interest rate…

The challenges of CVA

The onset of the financial crisis spurred banks to charge for counterparty credit risk in their forex dealings. But how to do that is proving theoretically and practically challenging. By John Ferry

The hedge costs explosion

High volatility in foreign exchange markets over the past year has forced many corporates to reassess their hedge books. A number of banks have increased their advisory services to help companies conduct an in-depth analysis of their exposures as a…

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