
FX Week Forum: Central banks and FX reserves

In the latest in the FX Week Forum series, Joel Clark talks to Steven Saywell, global head of FX strategy at BNP Paribas, about trends in central bank reserve management and the IMF's latest set of reserves data

CFDs gain reprieve from CVA threat

The reports of CFDs’ demise were greatly exaggerated, writes Michael Watt. Far from being killed off by the CVA charge, they have probably been saved by one of the clauses in the new rule

FX Week Forum: Dodd-Frank and electronic platforms

In the second in a series of video features addressing key themes in the global FX industry, Joel Clark talks to Kathy Alys and Rob Mackenzie Smith about recent stories covering the Dodd-Frank Act's external business conduct standards and pricing on…

Best provider of FX clearing: Citi

Despite the challenges associated with clearing foreign exchange, Citi wins this award as one of the best-placed banks to succeed when it becomes mandatory

Best professional e-trading venue: EBS

EBS wins the award in recognition of the thought leadership role it has taken in FX execution over the past year, which has won the support of many of the platform's users

Vendor e-FX initiative of the year: Traiana

Traiana's CreditLink product wins this year's award, having tackled an important layer of risk in the FX market, and enabled trading relationships to be terminated in real time on five occasions

Achievement award: Jeff Feig

Citi’s global head of G-10 FX wins the 2013 e-FX achievement award in recognition of the exceptional contribution he has made to Citi’s foreign exchange franchise and the broader industry over the past nine years

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