Last look
Currenex and EBS mull venue-hosted last look
Platforms consider becoming third-party operators of last look to separate the function from liquidity providers
Last look claims will happen on a case-by-case basis
Alpari’s last look claims against six banks are unlikely to be the last, lawyers say
Asia strongly supportive of Global Code of Conduct – GFMA
Backing from local central banks for the principles will filter down to participants, says John Ball
GFXC launches last look review
Market participants asked to give feedback on language of Principle 17 by September 21
Last look settlement fund could hit $1 billion in US
Class action filing service firm Battea says the fixing pot for claimants may reach $3bn and to expect more last look cases
Last look times should reflect faster data, say panellists
Risk warehousing timeframes have shrunk; market-makers no longer divided into banks and non-banks
GCC: the ‘likely’ definition of Principle 17
The last look battleground hinges on the wording of the practice
DoJ closes investigation into Deutsche Bank’s FX activity
US regulator's action is a big win for the bank, but civil suits and a decision from the NYDFS are still pending
Mercer: Global Code is a great PR stunt; legitimises front-running
LMAX Exchange chief says the Global Code of Conduct is legitimising last look and pre-hedging, and its authors are misrepresenting the nature of discussions in the MPG
Deutsche Bank loses motion to dismiss last look claims
Last look-related legal action against other banks could accelerate
Effex used last look tactics to cheat FXCM clients, NFA states
NFA names Effex Capital as FXCM's preferential market-maker, which used 'hold timer' and 'previous quote' practices
Law firm starts recruiting clients for case against FXCM
Securities law firm calls for shareholders and those with information to get in touch
XTX sounds death knell for last look
The NBLP launches new analytical tool, which Jeremy Smart says will make last look obsolete
Code of conduct unlikely to standardise execution policies
Customers face more responsibility for understanding dealing terms and more measures may be needed, sources say
Spot FX cannot accept lower standards of behaviour
Although spot FX trades are not under its purview, the FCA has warned market participants to sharpen up their act
Preparation is all for JP Morgan as it hits new FX records
JP Morgan ranks second overall at the 2016 FX Week Best Banks Awards and takes five titles
Salmon warns on adherence as strategic decisions loom
In an exclusive interview with FX Week, the BoE's Salmon floats regulation as a possible vision for 2020; for now last look stays
BoE’s Salmon warns FX industry on adherence
Chris Salmon, the Bank of England's executive director for markets and lead on global code adherence, says regulation could be on the horizon as soon as 2020 if market participants don't adhere to the new Global Code
Two more banks publish execution guidelines
JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley disclose their rules on execution and last look to clients
FastMatch to launch new order type in May
Leak/Sweep Protection will offer protection for both market-makers and takers, says chief executive
Class-action lawyers to tap into Barclays' FX team knowledge
With the bank providing information to investors from people within the firm with the most knowledge of its last-look practice, plaintiff lawyers could access information it could have taken years of discovery to obtain
EBS BrokerTec set to move to 1ms data updates
The new FX market data feed is expected to reduce update intervals to 1ms and will become available in the summer
Spreads need to widen to boost liquidity
Panellists at the 14th annual FX Week Europe conference warn of increasingly illiquid markets
A window of opportunity
With opinion split on whether last look is the defender or villain of the piece, FX participants are campaigning to raise standards and boost transparency, but some say the timeframe for action is diminishing. By Alessandro Aimone