European Central Bank (ECB)

Spotlight on: John Taylor, FX Concepts

The founder and chief executive of FX Concepts talks to Melanie White about the growth and diversification of the currency management firm over the past three decades, and his current views on major currencies

Testing euro exit scenarios

London-based think tank Policy Exchange is now judging the entries to the Wolfson Economics Prize, which asked entrants to propose the best way for a country to leave the eurozone. Following the relatively mild impact of Greece’s default earlier this…

Yield makes a comeback

Two months into 2012, Mitul Kotecha assesses the modest healing process that appears to have taken hold in currency markets after a period of marked risk aversion, and explains why yield is becoming a key factor influencing investor appetite

EMFX: Go with the flow

Imran Ahmad, emerging markets strategist at Royal Bank of Scotland in London, says Hungary, Turkey and India stand to benefit from renewed support for emerging markets in 2012

Euro: Staring into the abyss

As forex market participants prepare for a possible break-up in the eurozone and politicians increase the pressure to save the single currency, Miriam Siers talks to strategists and academics about the likelihood of a split and the implications for the…

No more lifelines for Greece

Following a chaotic series of last-ditch efforts by political leaders to put together a solution to the troubles in the eurozone, Nick Beecroft believes the only viable option left is to transfer cash from the core of Europe to the periphery, through the…

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