BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas hires Sinsheimer

Allen Sinsheimer has joined BNP Paribas as head of the institutional client group for Europe in London. He reports locally to Arne Groes, global head of fixed-income sales.

Spot FX faces clearing threat

Spot foreign exchange faces unnecessary clearing to avoid discrepancies on banks’ books, according to speakers at Global Insight Forum: The impact of regulation on the global OTC market, held in London on October 19.

BMo shakes up London FX

LONDON - Bank of Montreal Capital Markets (BMo) has reorganised its FX business, seeing the return of Lorne Gavsie, managing director in FX, to Toronto from London.

BNPP eyes European FXPB business

BNP Paribas moved steadily to launch into the foreign exchange prime brokerage market with the acquisition of staff and infrastructure from defunct insurance company AIG last year. But with that business focused on the US, rivals argue the French dealer…

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