
Dollar weakening, but for how long?

Dollar weakness will continue into the first quarter of 2005 under current US policies, says Marios Maratheftis, economist at Standard Chartered Bank in London. But market volatility may change the Fed's stance

The American double-accrual forward

With expected further euro appreciation, EUR/USD forwards are trading at a premium. Here, Anna Leung, head of corporate treasury marketing at HSBC, shows a way to get access to future hedging at a lower cost

Dollar recovery set to continue

Dollar recovery is likely to continue this week as short-covering and profit-taking extend further, according to Mitul Kotecha, global head of FX research at Calyon, London

Conservative approach to further dollar weakness

A one-year 'leveraged ratchet forward' may help hedgers looking for a conservative strategy who are expecting a lower EUR/USD next year, say Eric Ohayon, European head of FX structuring, and Chris Weiss, FX structurer, at Bank of America in London

Soft knock-in knock-out forward

The soft knock-in knock-out forward presents a new way to look at knock-ins and knock-outs, taking away the negative impact of untimely barrier events says Enrico Ferrante, senior structurer at Calyon in Paris

Dollar to plummet further in 2005

Continued dollar weakness in 2005 will fuel European and Japanese currency strength and damage export demand, according to Tony Norfield, ABN Amro's global head of FX strategy in London

Will Asia dump the dollar?

The possibility of a dollar collapse must be taken seriously. The US's benign neglect is increasingly untenable, says Tim Clayton, analyst at market analysis firm Investica in London

Dynamic hedging strategies in Turkish lira

Emerging markets options offer the benefit of extreme differences in implied volatility and interest rate differentials. Here, James Davison, FX derivatives marketer at ABN Amro in London, outlines how corporate clients can see the benefits investors…

Who wins from yuan revaluation?

With a potential yuan revaluation looming, Adam Cole, senior currency strategist at Royal Bank of Canada in London, analyses the impact on the G10 FX markets.

Protecting against losses while making gains

Given the rapid, one-way move in the Canadian dollar (CAD), many hedgers who are short CAD are looking for innovative hedging ideas. John McAuliffe, manager, US FX options sales at the Bank of Montreal in Chicago, suggests some options

The American-style participating forward

Clients wishing to trade at a pre-specified strike rate during a certain window period, should consider the American-style participating forward, say Bank of America options specialists Jim Kamphoefner in San Francisco and Ravi Chopra in Singapore

FX – the odd man out

The currency market is decoupling from other markets. This is not sustainable, says David Woo, head of FX strategy at Barclays Capital in London

Spotlight on Japan's yen policy

With the focus on the US, little attention has been paid to Japan. Jake Moore, FX analyst at Barclays Capital in London, examines the MoF's likely actions now the US election is over

Window barrier for a Canadian manufacturer

Canadian manufacturers are looking for innovative hedging ideas in an increasingly bleak exporting environment. Richard Stang, an FX sales dealer at TD Bank Financial Group in Toronto, suggests one potential solution

The US election effect

How will the US election affect the FX markets? Alan Ruskin, New York-based research director, 4Cast, reveals the results of his company's recent survey

Prime brokerage best for individual investors

Individuals who want to trade FX may find a prime broker will promote confidentiality, cut out settlement difficulties and help resolve credit issues, says Peter Wakefield, MD of research and product development at Record Currency Management in the UK

US dollar's central role

The dollar is likely to have a large role to play in the adjustment of the US economy, whether it is suited to it or not, writes Alan Ruskin, research director at New York-based analysis firm 4Cast

Dollar to continue its slide next year

Michael Klawitter, senior currency strategist at WestLB Global Financial Markets in Düsseldorf, sees the euro continuing its appreciation against the dollar next year

Hedging Chinese renminbi revaluation

To boost returns on the event of Chinese renminbi revaluation, trading on the recently launched Bloomberg-JPMorgan Asian Currency Index (ADXY) is the best solution, says Erik Herzfeld, head of regional options trading at JP Morgan in Singapore, and…

Yield enhancement for European investors

Polish investors anticipating zloty strength over the coming year should consider a 'zloty bull note' to provide higher returns than a one-year deposit, says Andy Kaufmann, head of FX structured products for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Merrill…

SARB to cut before year-end?

Royal Bank of Canada expects a 50bp rate cut in South Africa to 7.00 before the end of the year, explains Tania Kotsos, senior emerging markets strategist at the bank in London

Oil woes hit yen

Neil Mellor, London-based analyst at Bank of New York points to the weakness of the Japanese market in the wake of high oil prices

NDFs for a company with operations in China

Clients based in one country with manufacturing bases in another are exposed to risk if the country of production’s currency appreciates. Here, Ashish Advani, director, risk solutions at Travelex in London, proposes a solution that hedges the risk using…

The 'triple-currency wedding cake deposit'

The past year has seen a dramatic surge in the use of FX-linked yield-enhancement products. Generally, these products fall into two categories: dual-currency redemption engineered by the sale of an option; and range-enhanced coupons that contain embedded…

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