Machine learning
Tech firm OneChronos to offer ‘bundled’ equity-FX trading
New auction algorithms will optimise multi-leg trades; FX roll-out due in second quarter
Best trading technology for FX: smartTrade Technologies
As sell-side market participants more readily accept the integration of machine learning and AI into their processes, smartTrade Technologies unveils advanced services and modules that provide clients with powerful tools to maximise trading efficiency
FX automation plans focus on predictive analytics – panel
Panellists suggest banks could explore AI tools for foreign exchange pricing
Banks, vendors mine AI for corporate FX hedging
New machine learning algos can help corporate clients adjust hedging ratios, but tech’s effectiveness is limited by data quality, experts caution
Quants look to language models to predict market impact
Oxford-Man Institute says LLM-type engine that ‘reads’ order-book messages could help improve execution
JP Morgan pulls plug on deep learning model for FX algos
FX Markets USA: Bank turns to less complex models that are easier to explain to clients
Technology trends in capital markets: transforming the sell-side FX front office
The capital markets landscape is witnessing a technological revolution – a wave transforming the sell-side FX front office. Firms such as smartTrade Technologies are at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging technologies such as artificial…
Best connectivity, hosting and co‑location service: smartTrade Technologies
As regional market participants have upmarketed their workflows, smartTrade Technologies has reinforced its offering with more advanced and bespoke services and modules, incorporating such tools as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in…
How a machine learning model closed a hidden FX arbitrage gap
MUFG Securities quant uses variational inference to control the mid volatility of options
Clunky crypto markets serve quants well – can it continue?
Poor price discovery presents opportunities for systematic traders in super-trending markets
Deep XVAs and the promise of super-fast pricing
Intelligent robots can value complex derivatives such as exotic options in minutes rather than hours
Price limits in FX algos: fill your boots
Do limits affect performance? Double machine learning helps answer the question, says BestX quant
Machine learning will create new sales-bots – UBS’s Nuti
Technologists working to automate indications of interest from trading desks